Monday, January 26, 2009

New Teeth and New Bathrooms

Close up of the amazing tile

After they redid the trim I didn't want to cover it up so I made these cool window coverings. I haven't figured out how to make them stay. I tried a double stick clear tape and it didn't work. Any ideas? They are made from vellum and scrapbooking supplies.

So that's the new bathroom. It only took us almost a year. We bought the tile and wallpaper last February.
On to teeth. Sabrina has four teeth, two up and two down. She is currently getting in four molars. I am a little worried that due to her malnutrition she might be missing some teeth. Any one know if that is possible? At least she'll have something to chew with. And someone reminded me that she could always get dentures. That made me feel a lot better.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Who doesn't love mashed potatoes! Maybe I went a little overboard with pictures, but her expression was different in each one! Have a happy day!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's been too long!

Gangsta Sabrina!

The girl is going to be a percussionist! We even got her bongos for Christmas. This was taken at the new Youth Pavilion here in town. Both of the girls love it there, so we have a pass.

Driving the bus with Noelle and cousin, Elizabeth. She loves the horn, she would fit right in
in Ethiopia!

Mom and Jake, Christmas morning

Opening our presents. Sabrina got a puzzle that makes musical instrument sounds, bongos and the noise maker you see in the photo. It probably sounds like we are really a musical family. Not so much...but Sabrina really loves music. She has wonderful rhythm,
much better than mine.
I can't believe that we have had Sabrina home over a month! In some ways it seems much longer, she is such a wonderful part of our family. Scott and I were talking last night. She is such a charmer. She has a wonderful sense of humor and a smile to match. What a wonderful blessing God has given us. I am not even sure what to type that can possibly describe the feelings that I have for her. It reminds me of when I was in the hospital after giving birth to Jake and Noelle. In the middle of the night, when it was quiet and it was just me and the baby. This overwhelming sense of... how can I possibly deserve this!! I guess I don't, but God in is amazing goodness has given where it is not deserved!