It is 4:25 Central time and Teme entered surgery at 12:50. We have only had one update shortly after they put the epidural in. They expected the surgery to take four hours but they are doing quite a bit of reconstructive work using Teme's heel. It is pretty amazing actually. The local Minneapolis CBS station has been covering Teme's story. They came to the hotel last night to watch him swim. Today they interviewed Scott, Teme and I before surgery. They were also able to take a camera into the surgery for awhile. The segment will air Sunday night at 10:00. I will post the link when I have it. Noelle has been an amazing big sister!! Very loving and incredible. Sabrina is doing great considering the long waits!
We just received an update! Teme is doing well but the surgery will be about another hour and a half. They are just starting to place the skin graft.
Unbelievably, I forgot my camera:( I should have access to one tomorrow and will try to post some pictures. Thanks you so much for all of your prayers. We FEEL covered in prayer!!
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