Noelle played Recreational outdoor soccer this fall, for the first time in four years.
She has played some indoor, but no outdoor.
Sunday were their last games. Two. In two different small towns.
First game, no subs.
Noelle usually plays midfield, but also played defender on Sunday.
After throwing in a ball.
Second half, of the second game, she played goalie. I cannot remember the last
time she might have done that! It was so much fun!
Then on to football. American style.
Teme has played on a 5th/6th grade team this fall.
Sunday was their last game.
They were able to play in the UNI-dome, which is our local
college football arena.
October, breast cancer awareness:)
Teme does not play with his prosthetic on at this point.
His balance is not good enough.
He does a great job, and in the fourth quarter made an amazing
quarterback sack!
Teme is a defensive end.
He also got to be the placeholder.
Spectating soccer and borrowing some cool cowboy boots!
Spectating football at the end of a long day.
Teme's game was at 6:45.