Monday, March 31, 2014


Today was Noelle's first Insulin treatment. She was really nervous. We joked about other's reactions to the treatment. Her friend, after hearing about the treatment said, "Is that safe?". My mom asked how they would bring her glucose levels back up. But she had a lot of nervous energy and a lot of anxiety about the unknown.

This helped. Just kidding. I do think they do chemo in this room for their cancer patients.

She made a glove turkey to help burn some energy:)

Supplies at the ready. First Noelle had her oxygen. This is meant to enhance all her treatments, and improve their effectiveness.

Then they tested Noelle's starting glucose level. According to a google search:), normal is 70-100. Noelle's was 88. She had to have 8 pokes this morning to check her glucose. This is hard because her fingertips are sensitive due to her oversensitive nerves. Next time we are going to try numbing them.

First Noelle was given Zofran and Toradol, then Insulin. Her glucose was monitored. When it dropped below 70, her antibiotic, Rocephin, was given. After the antibiotics, her glucose was again monitored. When it dropped below 40 she was given PME, Polymannan Extract, a plant based sugar and Dextrose.

She got very hot after treatment. This is her amazing cold hat;) Along with the PME and Dextrose, Noelle had to eat to help return her glucose to normal. She had to fast this morning before the treatment.

After her glucose was once again tested. (142) She hit the sauna and we were done for the day. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays will be Noelle's IPAC days. They will also be our short days. Her treatment started at 8:30 and we were done about two hours later. So far, no negative reactions. Tuesdays and Thursdays will now be really long days. She will receive all her other treatments on these days. Two of which really mess with her stomach.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Thinking of Noelle and praying for her.